Latin American Society


Sold out

Committee Membership


¡Hola todos, chicas y chicos!

Welcome to the Latin American Society at Hertfordshire Univeristy. Whether you're from Latin America, have a love for birria tacos or enjoy watching Messi, everyone is welcome to join our society :). 

Our aim for this society is to bring a community together, in celebrating Latin culture as well as allowing a space for people to embrace their love for languages, good food and even music! We have a whatsapp group chat, where you can join to keep up to date with other members and ask any questions you may have about events, the society itself or perhaps a request for something within the community! 

We are looking for the following roles within the committee so if you're interested please message the official Latin American Society instagram expressing your interest! The following roles are :

- Events Manager


We hope to see & hear from you all soon!  Vive:)


Society Committee Elections No elections are currently running