Education Society

The University of Hertfordshire Education Society is for anyone with an interest in education and teaching.
Welcome to HertsEduSoc!

The University of Hertfordshire Education Society is for anyone with an interest in education and teaching. Whether you're studying an education degree, training to be a teacher, or just have a passion for teaching and learning, everyone is welcome to join. The society is a great place to meet others with similar interests, and we aim to host several events throughout the year. Check out some of our previous events and more information, as well as a message from the current committee below!

Follow us on social media to keep up to date with the society and any upcoming events.


Twitter and Instagram: @HertsEduSoc



The aim of the society is:

To bring together like minded individuals with a passion for
teaching and education.

The objectives of the society are:

  • To create a community of students with a mutual passion for teaching and education.
  • To encourage and support a healthy work-life balance for members.
  • To create a mixture of events of both an educational and social nature.
  • To provide an inclusive and safe space for all of our members.

We provide students with….

A mixture of afternoon and evening events, on campus and online to allow students of all demographics to join in. From educational events with external and/ or internal speakers to having fun,  relaxed events to socialise, we aim to have something for everyone.

Our committee is….

Chairperson: Abbie Matthews

Secretary: Imogen Proctor

Treasurer: Caitlin Collins

Inclusion Officer: Krystal Dunkley



Festive Arts and Crafts with David


Modelling our society's hoodies
Education Society 2018-2019
In-person painting and origami craft event - September 2021
Some of our Education Society Committee and members at the Herts SU Awards 2022

EduSoc Committee 23/24- Proud winners of Highly Commended Committee Award at SU Awards




Society Committee Elections No elections are currently running