Sabres Society

Join the only society dedicated to lightsaber duelling and all things Star Wars! Experience the thrill of battling with a lightsaber and immerse yourself in the world of Star Wars like never


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Committee Membership


Welcome to the Sabers Society!

We are a society that aims to give a safe space for those who love everything Star Wars and want to learn how to wield a lightsaber just like the Jedi! (Or sith!)

Whether you're a seasoned dueler or just want to join a community of like-minded individuals and discuss the galaxy far, far away, our society is open to everyone!

We plan to have many events, ranging from casual meetups and movie nights to duelling sessions and basic lightsaber training!

So, come join the fun and see what we have in store!


Meet the senate:

Chair: Amy Nash

Secretary: Jake Emms

Treasurer: Ethan Guy

Inclusions officer: Ethan Lawrence


Society Committee Elections No elections are currently running