Researcher Networking Society

A society for researchers (staff and students) to network and discuss ideas.

Welcome to the Researcher Networking Society.


Researcher Networking Society (RNS) is a society formed under the student union of the University of Hertfordshire. RNS welcomes and supports UH researchers actively engaged in quality research. 

The main purpose of the society is to facilitate social and intellectual networking, and communication among researchers throughout the University. 



Any UH staff or student engaged in active research can join us. These include but are not limited to: PhD, MPhil, and MA/MSc by research students; postdoctoral researchers; lecturers; research assistants.

Full member (1 academic year) - Participate in society networking events and much more. You can become a member of the Researcher Networking Society for just £5 (for students) / £7 (for staff). 


We have lots coming up.

Running all year round (including semester C), we are excited to host a load of events for UH researchers to network, discuss ideas, and have fun. These include,

  • - Research seminars
  • - Movie nights (with introductions from academics)
  • - Quiz nights
  • - Speed Meets 
  • - On campus lunches
  • - Socials in local pubs and restaurants

We really hope you can join us.


You can find our data privacy policy notice by clicking here. 

You can find our data privacy policy notice for the guest lecture event by clicking here. 


Black Friday membership discount!!!

A 25% discount on all our memberships this 25th Nov (Student membership is only £3.75) ... Read more