
Students laughing in a corridor

It's elections season!


Elected Officers are here to represent you on all areas of student life, making the Uni of Herts the best it can be. They use student feedback to drive change and ensure all students love life at Herts. This elections season, we're looking for our Elected Officer team for the 2025-26 academic year. You can use this opportunity either to run for a role or to vote on the students that do!


Dates for your Diary!



Monday 27th January (12:00) - Monday 17th February (12:00)
When you get to put yourself forward for one of the Full-Time Officer or Part-Time Officer positions for the 2025-26 academic year



Tuesday 25th, Wednesday 26th & Thursday 27th February
When you get to have your say! Vote for the candidates you think are best



Wednesday 5th March
When we announce the winners!



Useful Links


Rules and Regulations

Bye-Laws and Policies

Complaints Form


Have a question about Elections? Get in touch!