Taylor Swift Society

Herts first TS Society, hosting themed parties, social events and much more!

Welcome to the Taylor Swift Society!

What is our society, and what is our purpose?

We are first ever Herts Taylor Swift Society, dedicated to creating and hosting events based around her discography. We aim to create a welcoming and friendly environment for all fans, whether you know every lyric to every song or you're a newer fan who may only recognise a few songs from the radio.

What are our objectives for the year?

This year as a new society, we would like to hit the ground running with a huge variety of events for members to enjoy that get our society's name out there. With enough members joining, we would like to be able to host bigger events such as TS themed club nights at the forum, though this is only possible with your support!

Why should you join our society?

There are many benefits in joininf the TS Society. This is the space to meet other students at Herts with similar music and popular culture tastes (and hopefully make life-long friends!). Most of our events will be members only, meaning only those apart of the society can join, but when we do host open events, society members will recieve either free or discounted tickets (depending on the event). Thirdly, our society provide resources to that otherwise could be rather expensive or hard to organise, such as buying supplies for friendship bracelet making or having the space and supplies to host themed parties. Finally, members have the power to make suggestions and shape the society to be what they want it to be. All suggestions are welcome!

Some future events in store: 

  • Album listening events (Reputation TV) and themed TS parties 
  • Friendship bracelet making (tools included)
  • Organising trips into London for TS related events (Swiftogeddon etc.)
  • Eras Tour movie night in the forum theatre 
  • Organising travel into London with others who have the same Eras Tour night

And so much more yet to be announced!

Committee members and Instagram Handles: 

Chair - Jennifer Williams (_Jenniwilliams_)

Secretary - Klaudia Galja (Klaudia050101)

Treasurer - Anjelina Fox (Anjyfox)

Inclusion Officer - Ida Raundalen (Idaraundalen)

Society Instagram Page - TSSocietyHerts