Welcome all Anime and Manga lovers!
Being a part of our community guarantees fun on a fortnightly basis with other people who share similar interests with you. We have a diverse range of genres that we touch on, so do not worry about your visions or interests not being heard on. If it is your first time hearing about anime then we welcome you with open arms as all of our events are suitable for all levels. Suggestions for events are welcomed anytime. This ensures that you get involved with what we plan to do. :D
Our events are online and in-person. The types of events that we hold are things such as game nights, craft events, anime-themed parties, scavenger hunts, trips to conventions and so much more in store.
Stay tuned to our social media pages to hear about our latest events. Instagram: @uhamsociety
We look forward to seeing you here ;)
Committee Members 2024-2025
Chair: Courtney
Treasurer: Zikora
Inclusion Officer: Holly
If you have any queries, please feel free to pop us an email to uhanimemangasociety@gmail.com
Please find our 2024/2025 constitution here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sHCbhkrxnEJlXpnCOiq7NtvcR1m8MHZW/edit