What is our society, and what is our purpose?
Yoo we are the roller skating society and my society is to get people to master the skill of skating. Also, this will be a society where everyone can be themselves and bring different personalities to the table. The purpose is for everyone to come out of society feeling confident and learn what they want to learn.
What are our objectives for the year?
I want to form a big social group and friendly community where no one feels left out. Everyone will learn how to skate forward and backward by the end of the year and I want to do speed skating events, jam events, and maybe host different themed roller skating events like a winter skate or easter, etc. Maybe doing a skate to St Albans or a roller skating rink.
Why should you join our society?
The number 1 reason is to gain the confidence I have to sing and dance on campus haha. I feel like many people lack confidence and want to be themselves and this is the society for you. To be yourself without feeling judged.
Who are we?
Our Chairman: Ishmael
Our Secretary: Meg
Our Treasure: Channel
Our DJ: Josey
Our Social media manager: Jia
Our event managers: Riya and Mya