Believers Loveworld

The Believers Loveworld Society is a Christian Society based at the University of Hertforshire. It is a place where The Word of God is used to change and transform people's lives. It is a place of encouragement and inspiration for fellow Kings and Queens of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Most of all, it is a place where we as a society can testify and inspire our world with the Love that has been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

Join Our Society Today; come, see & experience for yourself!!!

We meet at Hilltop Community Center,

Every Tuesday 7pm to 9pm

Every Sunday 10am to 11:30am

Believers Loveworld Society, building a happier world with LOVE!!!!


Our society is about ….

The believers love world society is a Christian society. It is a place where the word of God is used to change and transform peoples lives.


Our society aims are….

To be apart of a place of encouragement and inspiration.


We provide students with….

Fun events like concerts, cook outs, BBQs etc….


Our committee is….

Chairperson: Itunu Santos

Treasurer: Mansfield Ololo

Secretary: Trusta Kamy

Inclusion officer: Christopher Asemani

Upcoming events

Tuesday Service
18th February 6pm - 8pm