Urban Dance Society


Sold out

Committee Membership


We at the Urban Dance Society welcome you! 

Our aim is to introduce dance as a form of self-expression to anyone and everyone, regardless of skill level. We want to show you how much joy dance can bring you and others. We will help you learn new genres, gain confidence, and stay active.

2024 UDS showcase reel:

Everybody is welcome, regardless of ability. 

Dance styles we teach include:

  • Urban

  • Commercial

  • K-pop

  • Afro

  • Hip Hop 


Classes will run every Monday from 6 PM - 8 PM. This is non-inclusive of any special pop-up, performance, or freestyle classes we may hold, so stay tuned for what’s in store.

For more updates, follow us on Instagram (@uhurbandance) or join our WhatsApp group . We are always open to suggestions for songs or genres so send us a DM whenever :).

Invite link to WhatsApp group:




President: Alicia

Vice President: Lorena

Secretary: Jeffrey

Treasurer: Hassan

Inclusion Officer: Lorena

Social Media Officer: Jeffrey & Lorena


We cannot wait to see you and help you radiate your inner dancer! 


Please find our constitution here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TBR287wTYqAYsWQMpv4IF0QutO28kmTB/edit