Why join Herts Socialist Students?
Socialist Students is a left-wing, anti-austerity organisation that is deeply opposed to the present pro-austerity government. Our goal is to create a socialist society in which everyone has an equal share of its resources and wealth.
As an independently organised student society, we aim to campaign on all issues in relation to the fight for socialism which we believe will bring about liberation for all.
Our campus has become depoliticised so we’re building a movement for students ready to take a stand against a capitalist system in crisis, one that’s left us with climate catastrophe, unaffordable housing, endless war, and soaring living costs.
What are we fighting for?
Free education - scrap tuition fees and cancel student debt!
A £15 minimum wage and an end to zero-hour contracts and unequal youth pay rates.
Affordable, high-quality housing and rent controls for students.
A united student-worker movement against all forms of oppression.
How do we take action?
Hertfordshire Socialist Students is a community of students passionate about making a difference. Here’s how we fight for change:
Weekly Discussions & Debates: Explore both current and historical ideas that can help us understand the world we live in and how we might be able to change it.
Education & Empowerment: Learn the values and strategies of socialism to inspire action.
Activism & Campaigns: Be active in the struggle to change things. We will organise and mobilise our members to defend education, fight war and oppression and to campaign on a wide range of other issues relevant to all students.
Get Involved
We meet every Wednesday evening (term-time) to discuss, organise, and take action. You can stay up to date with meetings, events, and campaigns by:
Following us on Instagram @SocialistStudents.Herts
Joining our WhatsApp group chat for society members
Joining Socialist Students for updates on national student campaigns and resources
Any Questions?
We’d love to hear from you! If you have any questions or want to learn more about what we do, feel free to:
Message us on Instagram @SocialistStudents.Herts or email us.
Chair |
Morgan |
Secretary |
Chelsea |
Treasurer |
Caleb |
Inclusion Officer |
Shree |
Membership price is £1