Computer Science Society

An extra-curricular society at the University of Hertfordshire with fun activities, tutorials and hackathons,Trips,Discussions, and Forums relating to Computer Science and IT!

Affiliated to the British Computing Society, The Chartered Institute for IT

Welcome to the University of Hertfordshire Computer Science Society AKA University of Hertfordshire BCS Society, the official academic society for Computer Science and IT and we are one of the most active academic societies within SPECS. We are open to students from any subject with an interest in computing, technology, or gaming. We host socials, gaming events and dedicate a chat support group for student wellbeing. 


Why buy a membership?

  1. You get discounted or FREE in scheduled events 
  3. Social Events
  4. Semester Meetings
  5. Connecting with other societies & outer Uni soc



Contact Us via Email or Socials Below:

FacebookFacebook GroupInstagramWhatsAppTwitterEmail

Committee for the year 2024/25

Vice President: Awaiting Updates
Inclusion Officer:Yusuf Intekhab
Deputy Inclusion Officer: Justice Eshun
Graduate Affairs Director: Kiran Lakshmi Krishnan
Graduate Affairs Coordinater: Yasodha Potala

Committee for the year 2023/24

President : Aravind Jalajan
Vice President: Ion-Adrian Feher
Secretary: Saud Ahmed Siddiqui
Deputy Secretary: Artha Bante 
Treasurer: Klevi Alliu
Deputy Treasurer: Prerna Umesh Darira
Inclusion Officer: Rifa Tasnim Nuzhat
Deputy Inclusion Officer: Justice Eshun
Graduate Affairs Director: Kiran Lakshmi Krishnan
Graduate Affairs Coordinater: Yasodha Potala

Committee for the year 2022/23

Chair: Aravind Jalajan
Treasurer: Jack Ashwell
Inclusion Officer: Klevi Alliu

Committee for the year 2021/22

Chair: Bijaya Limbu
Treasurer: Ellis Donelly
Secretary: Xander Peveri
Inclusion Officer: Molly Fraser
Community Outreach Officer: Aravind Jalajan

Committee for the year 2020/21

Chair: Bijaya Limbu
Secretary: Ellis Donelly

Treasurer: Xander Peveri
Inclusion Officer: Wesley Padfield

Book a meeting



Q: I Bought my membership. What's Next?

A: Join Our Discord. We are more popular & typically post there first. Discord is multi-platform, and it's available to install for free for Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, and even Linux. You can also use it in a web browser too. Also join our other social channels too.

Q: I Joined Discord. What's Next?

A: Our Discord is Free to Join by anybody, but you do need to be verified to get full access to member features. Click here to get verified.

Q: I Would like to meet a Committee Member, I have a Question?

A: You can email and schedule a face to face at our official desk (E350-College Lane Learning Zone) or online meetup alternatively we hold social meetups regularly and AGM's 1 Per Semester which are for members.

Q: Before I join, are there any events?

A: Event Planning comes with a lot of load from Venue booking to Risk Assessment, Your Committee aims to typically, try to set up at least 1 to 2 events per month, One of these 2 events should be in campus for sure  (Unless there is CO-VID Restrictions), If we do have any events we will try to slip in the member joining mail, We are considering setting up some sort of Weekly Newsletter but until then your best bet is  to look out weekly on the union's event page.


  • Code & Karaoke Fiesta: A Coding & Karaoke Bash Tue 11 Feb 2025 - Society Member£0.00
  • Code & Karaoke Fiesta: A Coding & Karaoke Bash Tue 11 Feb 2025 - Non-society Members£1.00
  • Herts Winter Wonderland Tue 10 Dec 2024 - Society Member£0.00

Upcoming events

Code & Karaoke Fiesta: A Coding & Karaoke Bash
24th February 6pm - 7pm
Newton Court Common Room, College Lane