Emergency Guidance

Emergency Guidance


It is the responsibility of Student Leaders to ensure the safety of students across all activities and events that you are involved in.


As a Student Leader, you should be aware of the emergency procedures. Whilst there will sometimes be a member of staff present or near your activity, it is essential for you to know what to do in the event of a serious incident. 


Hutton Hall Emergency Guidance

Ensure the safety of yourself and the remainder of the group

In the event of immediate urgent danger please sound the alarm or call 999 and call Security on 01707 281010 or in an emergency 01707 28555

Seek assistance from any SU staff members in the downstairs office (10am-4pm/Mon-Fri)

In the event of an alarm sounding, please follow the instructions given by SU staff. Leave the building via the nearest exit and go to the nearest evacuation assembly point – the grass area outside Hutton Hall. Please do not delay evacuation for any reason. SU Staff and Security will secure the building. Please note there are limited staff on duty at the weekend so assume all alarms are an emergency

If for any reason, there is no staff in the venue, please call Security on 01707 281010 or in an emergency 01707 28555


The Forum Emergency Guidance

In the event of activity happening during a club night, please speak to SU Security and request to see the Duty Manager or Team Leader

If you are hosting an event in The Forum as a Student Leader, there should be a member of staff present. Please ensure you know who they are and how to contact them

Any first aid should be supplied by the SU staff on shift

If for any reason, there is no staff in the venue, please call Security on 01707 281010 or in an emergency please call 01707 28555


University of Hertfordshire Room/Venue Emergency Guidance

Ensure the safety of yourself and the remainder of the group

In the event of immediate urgent danger, please sound the alarm or call 999

During 10am-4pm/Mon-Fri, please call Herts SU on 01707 285000 and ask for the Academic Engagement team (please do this after you have alerted security and evacuated)

At any point that you feel uncomfortable dealing with a situation, including an unwanted attendee, please call Security at 01707 281010


Off-Campus Emergency Guidance

Ensure the safety of yourself and the remainder of group

Deal with casualties and call the emergency services as necessary - dial 999


The following information should be given:

Exact location

Details of casualties and incident

Number in the group

First aid given (if trained to do so)

Equipment available to the group


If you are in a venue or activity centre, please seek assistance from site staff

Any serious incident of this nature must be reported as soon as reasonably possible. Please fill out the Accident Report Form on your Committee Toolkit at your earliest convenience


Abroad Emergency Guidance

The SU should be notified of any trip you are making abroad

A full Risk Assessment Form should be submitted and approved by SU staff at least one week before departure

Seek the support of the local staff and emergency services

If arrested or injured and in hospital, notify the Foreign Consulate Office. Information can be found here

The phone number for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London is 0207 008 1500

If a staff member from the venue is dealing with the incident or injury, they will fill out all the essential paperwork but please submit an Accident Report Form on your Committee Toolkit at your earliest convenience

The SU should be notified as soon as possible of any incidents or emergencies. Please email societies@hertssu.com or call the SU Welcome Desk if it is between 10am-5pm/Mon-Fri at 01707 285000 and ask for the Academic Engagement team



Bullying, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Assault, Hate & Discrimination Support

Should you feel in that moment or retrospectively wish to report this behaviour and seek further support, please report it on the Speak Out webpage



Emergency Guidance For Students On-Campus

Residential Team - If you are a student living on campus, please contact the Residential Team

Herts Security - The Security Team will remain on-site and will be available as usual to all students on a 24/7 basis. In an emergency, you can contact them on 01707 285000


Emergency Guidance For Students Off-Campus

The University has a dedicated Community Liaison and Support Officer who is responsible for the security, welfare, pastoral care and discipline of students living in private off-campus accommodation, including those who commute into Hatfield



In an Emergency in the UK

Medical Emergencies: 999

Urgent Medical Advice: 111



Student Wellbeing

Free 24/7 Helpline via Health Assured: If you need immediate wellbeing/emotional support, financial legal, non-urgent medical advice or grief support. All UH students will have access to a free 24/7 helpline. Call: 0800 028 3766 and use the username: wellbeing, password: LakeMindCard1

Samaritans: Call - freephone 116123 (24-hour service) or email - jo@samaritans.org

HOPELINEUK: Call - 0800 068 4141, Text - 07786209697 or Email - pat@papyrus-uk.org

Student Minds: Visit the Student Minds website here.

SANEline: Call - 300 304 7000 between 4:30pm and 10:30pm each evening

CALM: Call 0800 585 858 or click here for the Web Chat Service between 17:00 - 00:00.