News Article

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Support During this Unsettling Time

Access support if you're affected by the racist riots that have taken place across the country over the past week

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Herts SU is sickened by the racist riots that have broken out across the country over the past week. We completely condemn this kind of behaviour.

Amongst many other appalling acts of violence that have taken place, a number of university buildings were damaged in Middlesbrough over the weekend and, while we're relieved that no staff or students were hurt, we're horrified that such hatred could be brought into an environment where open minds and open hearts are so prevalent. We take heart in the fact their local community came together to clean up the area, which seems to be true in all areas affected by this wave of disorder. The scenes that are unfolding may be scary, but it's clear that these malicious and violent actions are not reflective of the majority of the population, but the result of misinformation fuelled by the far-right and incited by dangerous individuals.

Herts is one of the most diverse and inclusive universities in the UK, with international students from more than 140 countries and home students from a huge range of backgrounds. We believe that our differences should be celebrated and we are proud to see this reflected in our student and staff community.

We understand that many of you will be shocked by what's happening around the country and may feel unsettled by it. There are a number of support services that you can lean on during this time, the details of which are below...


  • Advice & Support
  • Want someone to talk to? You can chat to one of our Academic & Welfare Advisers by booking an appointment here



  • Chaplaincy
  • Looking for support from someone who understands each different faith and culture? Contact the University's Chaplaincy at