Roles You Can Run For
Full-Time Officer
Annual salary of £24,500+ • 37.5 hours each week • June 2025 - June 2026
Potentially your first "office job", though you won't spend much time at your desk! This one is a pretty big deal so it's perfect for student leaders looking to kickstart your career. Since you'll be working full-time with us, you'll get loads of cool perks like a generous annual leave allowance, flexible working policy, gym discount & a wellbeing hour
• You'll be the lead representative of students at Herts and therefore a key link between students, the SU & the uni
• You'll meet with the University's Vice-Chancellor, other senior staff at the uni, local MPs and influential figures in the sector
• You'll lead the Elected Officer team
• You'll work closely with other student leaders
• You'll get to work alongside a passionate team of staff at Herts SU
• You'll be the Deputy Chair of our Board of Trustees

Only open to students that have student leadership experience under their belt already (i.e. Elected Officer, HertSquad Activator or Club Committee Member, School Community Organiser, Society Committee Member, Student Rep)
To assume the role, the successful candidate is required to work within Herts SU offices on both College Lane & De Hav
Part-Time Officers
Hourly rate of £12.56+ • 5 - 10 hours each week • September 2025 - June 2026
Want to make a difference and lead change for your peers? Our part-time positions are an exciting way to earn while you learn. We know your studies come first, so we accommodate flexible working, meaning you can fit the job in around your other commitments
School of Study Officers
We know that each School of Study is unique and has its own challenges, so this position is new this year! We'll need one Part-Time Officer for each School of Study
• You'll be the lead student representative for students in your School of Study
• You'll work with student leaders in your school to collate & elevate student feedback
• You'll organise initiatives that'll benefit students in your School of Study
• You'll work alongside a passionate team of staff at Herts SU
• You'll report at our Board of Trustees

Only open to continuing students within each School of Study
To assume the role, the successful candidate must be able to access College Lane and De Hav throughout the 2025-26 academic year
Disabled Students' Officer
We know that students with disabilities face very different challenges during their time at uni. The Disabled Students' Officer role has been designed to help ensure disabled students are adequately prepped for uni life, that they can access everything they need (from teaching facilities through to social opportunities and wellbeing support) and feel supported academically
• You'll be the lead student representative for disabled students at Herts
• You'll collate & elevate their feedback
• You'll drive changes to support disabled students, making Herts more accessible
• You'll work alongside a passionate team of staff at Herts SU
• You'll report at our Board of Trustees

Only open to continuing students that have self-declared a disability to the Uni of Herts
Please note that if you would like to run for this role, you must first declare yourself as a disabled student here so that the system accepts your nomination. Thank you!
To assume the role, the successful candidate must be able to access College Lane and De Hav throughout the 2025-26 academic year. Please note that we work flexibly and will accommodate any accessibility requirements as best we can!
LGBTQ+ Students' Officer
Our research shows that LGBTQ+ students don't always feel seen during their time at uni. The LGBTQ+ Students' Officer will make sure they have increased visibility within the curriculum and more opportunities to connect with the Herts community
• You'll be the lead student representative for LGBTQ+ students at Herts
• You'll collate & elevate their feedback, making Herts more inclusive and supportive
• You'll run initiatives that benefit LGBTQ+ students
• You'll work alongside a passionate team of staff at Herts SU
• You'll report at our Board of Trustees

Only open to continuing students who self-define as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer and/or any other marginalised gender or sexual identities
Please note that if you would like to run for this role, you must first declare your self-definition here so that the system accepts your nomination. Thank you!
To assume the role, the successful candidate must be able to access College Lane and De Hav throughout the 2025-26 academic year
Race Equity Students' Officer
According to our research, Black and Mixed Ethnicity students don't feel as connected to the Herts community, or as safe here on campus. The Race Equity Students' Officer will work to make Herts more inclusive and safer for everyone
• You'll be the lead student representative for Black and Mixed Ethnicity students at Herts
• You'll collate & elevate their feedback, making Herts more inclusive and supportive
• You'll run initiatives that benefit Black and Mixed Ethnicity students
• You'll work alongside a passionate team of staff at Herts SU
• You'll report at our Board of Trustees

Only open to continuing students who self-define as Black or Mixed Ethnicity. This includes (but is not limited to) African or Caribbean populations and people of African or Caribbean descent. This can also include students with a Black or Mixed Ethnic background
To assume the role, the successful candidate must be able to access College Lane and De Hav throughout the 2025-26 academic year
Women Students' Officer
We know that female students have lower levels of academic confidence and are less likely to engage with activities outside the classroom. The Women Students' Officer will address this by ensuring these students have the support they need academically, as well as social opportunities that appeal to them
• You'll be the lead student representative for female students at Herts
• You'll collate & elevate their feedback, making Herts more inclusive and supportive
• You'll run initiatives that benefit female students
• You'll work alongside a passionate team of staff at Herts SU
• You'll report at our Board of Trustees

Only open to continuing female students
To assume the role, the successful candidate must be able to access College Lane and De Hav throughout the 2025-26 academic year
Society Committee Members
Voluntary • June 2025 - June 2026
Call the shots for your society and develop your transferable skills along the way!
Society Committee Member
Every society is run by a committee of students. Be part of your society's leadership team to decide how it's run next year!
• You'll be part of the leadership team for your society, making all the big decisions
• Every society needs a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer & Inclusion Officer. Pick the position that's right for you!
• You'll work with the other students on the committee to ensure your society is the best it can be
• As a student leader, you'll get to be involved in bigger picture things like Society Forums, Student Council, the Student Leader Conference & Students' Union Awards

Only open to continuing students that are members of that society
To assume the role, the successful candidate is required to attend training with Herts SU
Useful Links
Rules and Regulations
Bye-Laws and Policies
Complaints Form
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