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Don't Cheat Yourself Out of Uni

You have a deadline looming... and nothing written down... what should you do?

We all know what it’s like. You may have been sat staring at a blank word document on your computer for the last hour. Or perhaps you had suddenly been filled with a renewed sense of enthusiasm to deep clean the bathroom or re-organise your wardrobe. You’ve got to get these things done at some point right?

But nothing can hide the fact that you have a deadline looming… and nothing written down.

You may then start scrolling through social media and see an ad saying ‘Need a first-class essay in less than 24 hours? Click here! It only costs £80!’ The website offers guarantees that the essay will be undetectable by TurnItIn and completely plagiarism free, and you think for just a minute ‘I could just buy this essay and be done with it…’  


We understand that university can be very stressful and that it can be incredibly difficult to keep on top of everything – but is it worth putting everything on the line because you’re behind on a piece of work?

Purchasing an essay and submitting it as your own work counts as cheating and can result in you being excluded from university.

Do not get lured into using essay writing websites - it is academic misconduct.

Got a deadline looming? Write what you can and seek help and support from either the Module Leader or Programme Leader via e-mail.

For future assignments, make a note of deadlines in your calendar and plan reminder notifications for when you are getting close. You can also make use of the academic skills support that is available either through your School or the wider University support services.

When you purchase an essay, and submit it as your own work, you are not only cheating academically but you could also be cheating yourself out of your place at University.

Want to request a coursework extensionAn extension is the "permission to hand in a piece of assessed work after the published hand-in date without incurring a penalty". Acceptance of extension requests are discretionary and you need to refer to your module or programme information to see which member of staff you need to make your coursework extension request to. 

Thinking of submitting Exceptional Circumstances? Sometimes situations outside of your control can arise which can make it difficult to undertake your assessments.  If this happens, you may wish to make the University aware of your situation by submitting an Exceptional Circumstances request. It is strongly adviseable, in the first instance, that you speak to either your Module Leader, Personal Tutor or Programme Leader about your circumstances. If you wish to apply for Exceptional Circumstances you must make your application via the "submit request" function on your online Student Record. Applications must be made, at the latest, within 5 working days of the Board of Examiners meeting. If your application is successful, you will likely be offered an opportunity to sit or submit the assessment at the next available assessment opportunity; to explore when that might be, it is important to speak to academic staff from your school. You can also read this help guide on Ask Herts for full details about the process and possible outcomes.

Not sure what to do? Contact Hertfordshire Students' Union Advice & Support Team for confidential and impartial information and support. You can complete our online advice request form or e-mail For whatever student life throws at you, we're here to help!



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