Candidate Hub

We're here to support you as a candidate in the elections. Take a look at the resources we've pulled together to help you on the journey
Students walking on campus

Considering running as a candidate?

Welcome on board! We're here to make sure your experience as a candidate in our elections is the best it can be. In this Candidate Hub you'll find a number of resources you can turn to throughout the process. If you need anything at any time or have a burning question, please don't hesistate to contact us at


Candidate Handbook

You can download the Candidate Handbook here


Key Dates


Officially put yourself forwards for a role in the elections

Monday 27th January (12:00) - Monday 17th February (12:00)

Put yourself in the running with a self-nomination. This must be done online before the deadline here


Candidate Briefing

Find out first hand everything you need to know before you start your campaign

Monday 17th February (15:00-16:00)

Only compulsory for Elected Officer candidates

If you're running for a Full-Time or Part-Time Officer role, you must attend our compulsory briefing session. This will only be an hour and it will give you all the information & tools you'll need for your elections experience. You'll be introduced to the SU, given guidance about running a successful campaign, run through the rules and given a chance to ask any questions. It's also a nice chance to meet the other candidates you'll be sharing this experience with!


Candidate Development Sessions

Make sure you're campaign ready!

Monday 17th February - Monday 24th February

Open to all candidates

There will be a number of sessions throughout the week to get yourself ready not just for campaigning, but for student leader life. Pop along to as many as you can to get the most out of your elections experience! Details can be found in the drop-down menu below



Your opportunity to campaign to students, encouraging them to vote for you

Tuesday 25th February - Thursday 27th February

Voting will open up to students across all three days, with opportunities to vote on each campus or online. This is when your campaigning will be most effective, as students make decisions on who they want to represent their best interests!


Results Night

When the outcome of our elections is revealed!

Wednesday 5th March

You'll be invited to the EleHouse, College Lane, for a live reveal of the results. Always a nice atmosphere as candidates come together to celebrate the end of their campaigns and our new Elected Officers and Society Committee Members!

Candidate Development Sessions


There are heaps of reasons to run as a candidate in the elections. You'll get the chance to challenge yourself, meet loads of other students and have a laugh along the way. If you're successful, you'll land an amazing role at the end of it all! Find out the benefits of being part of a student leader below...


Professional experience Flexible working to suit you A unique addition to your CV
Develop your transferable skills The chance to make a difference here at Herts Loads of opportunities for professional development

Running in the elections can feel like a pretty big deal, but you're not alone! We're here to help you every step of the way with day-to-day support throughout the process, as well as a range of Candidate Development Sessions


Full-Time Officer Position


Who can run for the Full-Time Officer role?

Only students that have official student leader experience here at Herts can run for the full-time role of President


I'd love to run for the full-time role of President but I'm not sure if I can. What counts as a student leader?

Recognised student leader roles are BAME Advocate, Elected Officer, HertSquad Activator, HertSquad Club Committee Member, School Community Organiser, Society Committee Member, Student Council Chair, Student Council Deputy Chair, Student Rep and Student Trustee


I'm not yet in my final year of study, how will I take on the role of President if successfully elected?

If a student is successfully elected into our full-time role of President and is not due to complete their studies by the contract start date (Monday 23rd June 2025), they will be required to temporarily suspend their studies for their year in post (Monday 23rd June 2025 - Friday 26th June 2026). We will support the new President with this process if pausing their studies is required


Is this a paid role?

Yes. This is a full-time role that comes with a salary of £24,500+


Part-Time Officer Positions


Who can run for the Part-Time Officer roles?

We have eligibility requirements for each of our Part-Time Officer roles. Only continuing students (those returning to Herts in September) can put themselves forwards for one of these positions. For the School of Study ones, you must be a student in that school to be eligible. For our Disabled, LGBTQ+, Race Equity and Women Students' Officer roles, you must be a student that identifies as a member of that group. Eligibility details can be found for each of the roles here


I've never been a student leader before but I'm really keen to get involved. Is there anything I can apply for?

Absolutely! Providing you meet the eligibility criteria, you can put yourself forwards for a Part-Time Officer or Society Committee Member position, as these don't require official student leadership experience


I'll be studying next year and don't really want to pause my studies. Can I apply for any of the Elected Officer roles?

You sure can! Providing you meet the eligibility criteria, you can put yourself forwards for a Part-Time Officer position. These have been designed to be flexible, so students can take on the role alongside their studies


I'm in my final year of study and won't be returning to Herts for further studies next year. Can I apply for a Part-Time Officer role?

Unfortunately only continuing students can take on one of our Part-Time Officer roles


Is this a paid role?

Yes. This is a part-time role that comes with an hourly rate of £12.56+


Society Committee Member Positions


What roles are available for each society?

Every society needs to fill the roles of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer & Inclusion Officer


Who's eligible to be a society committee member?

To be able to put yourself forwards to be a committee member for your society, you must a) be a continuing student and b) have purchased a membership to your society. If you're finishing your time at Herts this year, unfortunately you won't be able to run for a role, but you can vote when voting opens up!


I can't see the option to nominate myself for my society. What can I do?

To be able to put yourself forwards to be a committee member, you must be a paid member of your society. If you haven't yet purchased a membership, you can do so here


Can I be a committee member for more than one society?

Yes! Providing you are a paid member of each society, you can be a committee member for multiple societies. But please note this position comes with a time commitment, so we wouldn't encourage you to over extend yourself


Is this a paid role?

No. This is a voluntary role. You'll only be expected to put in a few hours of your time each week, but this is very much determined by you and the rest of your committee




I'm not sure about running for a role. Is there someone I can talk to?

Of course! If you want to speak to a member of the team about anything regarding elections, please get in touch at your earliest convenience so we can talk it all through with you


Rules & Regulations  Bye-Laws and Policies  Complaints Form  Expenses Form

Useful Links


Have a question about Elections? Get in touch!


Elections Homepage